Phoenix Center for the Arts Announces Departure of Director, Joseph Benesh
Phoenix Center for the Arts and the Central Arts Alliance Board of Directors announced yesterday that longtime Director, Joseph Benesh, has accepted the position of Executive Director with Arizona Citizens for the Arts, a nonprofit statewide arts advocacy organization.
“It is with a myriad of emotions that I make this change,” Joseph states. “Central Arts Alliance is my home and I feel I have grown with the organization, the programs, and the people it serves. I will miss working with the staff and artists who have become part of my family.”
Board Chair, Jamie Halavais, issued the following statement: “The board would like to thank Joseph for his years of dedicated service to Phoenix Center for the Arts and Central Arts Alliance. Over the past eight years, Joseph has expanded the capacity of this organization tremendously, and made a meaningful impact on the community it serves. Under his tenure Central Arts Alliance created the Mayor’s Arts Awards, Art Mobile, and Thunderbird Arts Center.
In the past year, Central Arts Alliance has served over 3,300 students at its two campuses, and another 35,000 through engagement programming and community events. We wish Joseph all the best in his future endeavor.” The transition in leadership will take place over the next month. The CAA Board of Directors is considering candidates for its top leadership position and will be making a decision soon.