Teatro Nervo presenta “Los Murmullos del Ombligo”

04/21/2017 - 04/23/2017
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Margaret T. Hance Park, Phoenix AZ

April 21-23, 2017
Friday, April 21, 8:00pm
Saturday, April 22, 8:00pm
Sunday, April 23, 4:00pm
Tickets: $20.00 each
Groups of more than 10: $15.00 each
For tickets, call:  602-425-3515
Teatro Nervo presenta: “Los Murmullos del Ombligo” una obra de Jose Antonio Ocegueda.
“Los Murmullos del Ombligo” is a play where we represent different topics and issues that Woman from the Latino Community are facing at this time (e.g. Breast Cancer, Domestic Violence, Alcoholism, human traffic, sexual abuse etc.).
Info: azulent@gmail.com