Ceramics Co-Op Market for Artlink’s Art Detour
March 23, 2022
Members of the Phoenix Center for the Arts Ceramics Co-Op have crafted clay pieces at the Center in a long-lasting relationship of fostering creativity and quality resources. As part of Artlink’s Art Detour occurring through the month of March, the outdoor event will celebrate Arizona art for the 34th year, but will be the first event of its kind for the Detour.
To highlight local artists and educators, Co-Op members Elizabeth Behnke, Stephen Bunyard, Mike Farabee, Fernando Felix, and Anne Rasmussen, are hosting this market-style event held at the Phoenix Center for the Arts Courtyard on the weekend of March 26 and 27 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day.
“This is our first opportunity to share with the public our work and to promote the ceramic arts in the community that goes beyond craft and enters into the realm of art,” Steve Bunyard, Co-Op member said.
Featuring works made by six Co-op members at the Center, such as unique pottery, vases, plates, dining sets, mug sets, teapots and more, the work of these local artists will be displayed and available for purchase.
The unique style and cultural influences of each artist can be seen in the pieces they’ve created. Asian inspired wheel thrown porcelain forms, impressions made in clay with a variety of objects, traditional decorative scenes and other hand-made objects will be displayed to honor each artists’ individual approach.
The Ceramics Co-Op of Phoenix Center for the Arts is a beloved program, headed by Ceramics Department Head Don Ridley, and continues to be an integral element of the “healthy clay community” of Phoenix and the Center, Bunyard said.
From the studio to the public, multiple levels and avenues of creativity will be exhibited at the market event. Support and visibility for artists during this time is a priority of Phoenix Center for the Arts and the Art Detour of Arizona. For more information on the Art Detour, visit https://artdetour.com/about/. For more information about the Phoenix Center for the Arts, visit www.phoenixcenterforthearts.org.