October 8, 2016
Doors open at 4:15pm
Show starts at 5:00pm
Students = $15
General Admission = $20
What if Carrie, Stephen King’s lonely, bullied, telekinetic teenager, decided to admit herself into an asylum littered with characters from other cult favorites, such as Nina (Black Swan), Joey (A Nightmare On Elm Street 3) and Nurse Ratchet (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest)? That’s the incredibly original idea behind Asylum: The Undertaking, Bridgette Borzillo’s kinetically bizarre spin-off of CaZo Dance Company’s wildly successful dance show, Asylum ’66, which told the story of a journalist investigating the mysterious CaZo Asylum, only to end up experiencing more than she bargained for.
“Mental illness is a real issue in our society,” Borzillo says about creating this psychological thriller told through the art of dance, “and I love to convey those topics to my audience in a tasteful, entertaining way.” Since their inception, CaZo Dance has made it their mission to tell full-length stories that spur every emotion imaginable through the simple art of body language, dance and movement. “You don’t need dialogue to tell a compelling story. The body can say so much with very little, and in its own way, can be much more powerful than words.” Fear, humor, jealousy, lust, vengeance, survival — they all combine to create the most powerful dance show you’ll ever be a part of.
Although the trigger for the show revolves around the admittance of Carrie into the asylum, the heart includes a love affair between the asylum’s staff and how that opens the flood gates for the inmates to seize power over their own destinies. Sixteen different mental illnesses are depicted in Asylum: The Undertaking, all combined to add a little fun to the crazy as the patients live their lives in the asylum. The show is perfect for horror fans and those who love a little bizarre in their lives. Though not recommended for young children, teens and young adults will find the story and the characters so wildly entertaining, they’ll want to return to the asylum with their friends and family.
Info: www.cazodance.com
Contact: cazodancecompany@gmail.com