November 2, 2019
Doors open at 7:30pm
Show starts at 8:00pm
Tickets available HERE
$35 for Front Row VIP
$30 for Second Row Premium
$25 for Reserved (3rd row and back)
Where: Phoenix Center for the Arts – Third Street Theater,
1202 N Third St, Phoenix, AZ 85004
(NW corner of 3rd St and Moreland)
Over the last several years the dirtiest nerds in the Southwest have stripped their way across the stage as your favorite pop and geek culture icons. We are back on November 2nd in Nerdlesque : Nerdy, Flirty, and Dirty and as always we promise to twist all of the tease from your favorite nerd-doms!
Featuring your favorites from Burlescapades:
Alan Wrench
Anya Graves
Guy Fawkeswell
Mia PiaCherrie
Primrose Path
Visa V
Hosted by the one and only Becka Bomb and her cohort, Visa V
Keep an eye on BurlEscapades to get your sneak peeks at our Special Guests.